When serving alcohol in Texas, business owners must obtain a Texas alcoholic beverage license. Failing to do so could result in serious legal charges. There are several qualifications that need to be met to obtain a license.
How To Qualify
To qualify for a Houston alcoholic beverage license, an applicant must be at least 21 years of age. In addition to this, these criteria must be met:
- The applicant must not have any felony convictions within the past five years.
- The applicant must not have violated state liquor laws within the past two years.
- The applicant must not have any moral turpitude violations of liquor laws within the past six months.
For on-premise alcohol permits, business owners must provide verification from the city clerk that their business is in a zone where alcohol can be served and has late-hour operations. People who plan to serve only beer or wine will have to provide verification of alcohol content for their beverages. For off-premise permits, applicants must obtain verification forms and a list of approved areas from the city clerk. In addition to this, public notice must be published in a local newspaper. There are also other requirements for temporary permits for off-site events, which are usually granted to business owners who currently hold liquor licenses. Some types of events may not require licenses if they provide free alcohol to adults.
How To Apply
Most business owners who plan to serve alcohol on a daily basis apply for a license through the local sheriff’s department. There are over 20 different types of licenses available from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, so it is important to choose the right type. For example, a person who is looking for a Texas beer license just to sell beer at an event would not need the same type of permit a person serving cocktails in a restaurant would need. After obtaining the right forms, an applicant must fill out all of the information correctly. Mistakes will usually bring delays. Applications are taken to the Texas State Controller’s Office, and the information must also be turned in to the local City Secretary. Following this step, the TABC must be contacted to perform a background and eligibility check. An interview will be conducted, and the applicant will be notified when to appear before a judge for a hearing. If the application is approved by the judge, the applicant must pay the required taxes and wait for the TABC to issue a permit.
Many people mistakenly assume that obtaining a liquor license is a process that involves filing a few forms and paying a fee. The process is much more complex and much more serious, so it is important to make sure there are no mistakes made. Businesses planning to open are usually in a time crunch, and this can add even more stress to the preparations for a grand opening. The best way to get through the process without major hassles is to hire a Houston liquor license service company.
A Texas license service provider knows all of the local and state laws for obtaining all of the different types of licenses and permits offered by the TABC. The service provider knows what to write on the forms, where to file them and how to deliver efficient and effective results. Many people make the mistake of filling out the wrong types of forms when applying for licenses on their own, but a liquor license service will make sure the correct forms are used. Investing in a license service is well worth avoiding the headache of losing money, delaying and opening or canceling a special event while waiting on a license.