Whether a business owner is thinking about opening a wholesale liquor distributorship, manufacturing alcoholic beverages or offering liquor on a restaurant menu, there are many Texas alcoholic beverage license and permit requirements in the state. Business owners must understand these requirements and know where to find help when dealing with the distribution and sale of alcohol.
Liquor Permits in the State of Texas
There are dozens of permits for alcoholic beverages in the state of Texas, and the permits that pertain to a specific business will vary according to the intent of the business. Some of the most common permits are listed below to inform business owners about permits they may need to pursue.
Food and Beverage Certificate – Businesses that are focused on serving food must apply for this certificate if they would like to start offering their customers alcoholic beverages.
Minibar Permit – Hotels that would like to offer alcoholic beverages to their guests in a minibar located in guestrooms must have this permit.
Mixed Drink Permit – Restaurants, clubs and bars that are serving mixed drinks to their customers in containers that are not sealed and are to be consumed while the customer is inside the business will need this permit.
Wholesaler Permit – Businesses with this permit are allowed to buy alcoholic beverages from other companies that are licensed to sell to wholesalers and then sell these beverages to other wholesalers or retailers.
Beer Permits in the State of Texas
As with liquor, the manufacture, distribution and sale of beer in the state of Texas is heavily regulated and requires businesses to hold a beer license. Common permits for beer sales are listed below.
Brewer’s Permit – Anyone who manufactures malt beverages and intends to distribute these beverages to a wholesaler must hold this permit.
Importer’s License – Any beer distributor that would like to import beer from outside of the state of Texas needs to have this license.
Retail Dealer’s Off-Premise License – This allows a retailer to sell beer to customers for consumption away from the premises. Beer must be sold in a sealed container in this case.
Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit – Retailers with this permit are allowed to sell beer and wine to customers for consumption either on or off the premises. Retailers are required to provide customers with a seating area to consume alcoholic beverages.
Liquor License Services
Any business that has determined that an alcoholic beverage license is necessary should employ the assistance of a company that is experienced in providing services related to a acquiring a liquor license. These Texas license service companies know about Texas state law and can work with a business to make sure that the owner is adhering to the law when manufacturing, distributing or selling alcoholic beverages and is filing for all of the permits they need.
Since there are dozens of permits that pertain to both liquor and beer, a license service company is needed to navigate through these permits and help a business owner understand which permits are necessary in their unique situation.
Companies providing these services will be able to assist business owners throughout the year that have any questions that may arise about legal situations related to selling, manufacturing or distributing alcohol, and any paperwork that is required to legally manufacture, sell or distribute alcoholic beverages will be filed by the service company.
Selling alcohol can be a lucrative opportunity for store or restaurant owners, and business people who would like to distribute or manufacture alcoholic beverages can also enjoy success. However, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has many regulations related to alcoholic sales that must be followed in order for a company to be legally allowed to manufacture, distribute or sell these beverages.